Author Burnout: 4 Tips on How to Heal

Author Burnout. Writing Burnout. They’re both as real as they are frustrating. So how do writers heal when they feel burnt out from writing, editing, reading, etc.?

What is author burnout?

author burn out
Don’t let burnout catch your life on fire!

Unlike all those helpful posts on writer’s blockauthor burnout is a different beast entirely. While writer’s block is a desire to write without being able to, burnout is curling into a ball in your closet at the thought of writing or editing or reading a book. The thought of work has you shrinking and reeling, and you question your entire future as an author.


What happened?

The main culprit is that you’ve worked too hard, pushed for too long, and have nothing left in the tank!

That’s what I experienced these last two weeks, and it has been brutal. But in my research on how to combat burnout, I learned you don’t combat it at all.

It’s not writer’s block. Encouragement to “work through it,” “keep writing,” and “put in your hours” have a tendency to make burnout worse. You don’t want to go from dreading writing temporarily to resenting it permanently.

So how do you heal from burnout?

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Burnout is real, but it doesn’t have to define your future.
  • Stop writing, editing, reading or whatever it is you dread right now! Pushing yourself harder will only make your burnout worse. If you need to reschedule deadlines, do it! Communicate honestly and forgive yourself. It’s not the end of the world to push dates back if it helps you keep your sanity.
  • Be kind to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up for reaching your peak and needing to rest. That’s normal!
  • Learn while you rest. I’m not talking about pulling out a craft book that makes your head spin. I mean, finding joy in some other things that may have been put off by your writerly pursuits. Set a new schedule that has a healthier work/life balance so it doesn’t happen again.
  • Know your love of creating will come back! No matter what your craft, your passion for it will return once you start resting! You just need a bit of a reset, but you’re still a creator at heart. Be patient, and let yourself heal and breathe for as long as it takes to get your spunk back.
  • Ask for help. If there are just a few deadlines that refuse to budge (after you’ve tried), ask for help! My experience is that the writing community is generous and encouraging, especially in Facebook groups like the Author Cooperative! Tag in some trusted friends and colleagues to help cover a few things while you find your feet or offer to trade some services that don’t make you cringe for ones you need help with.

Most of all, know it will pass, you will be okay, and you’re doing great. Even when you need a break!

Author burnout conclusion

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Don’t lose hope!

Don’t beat yourself up if you’re experiencing author burnout. It’s normal, can happen to anyone, and is only temporary. Give yourself permission to try some baking, go on a hike, or meet up with friends who you may have been too busy for recently.

You got this.

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