Story Beginnings: Knowing Where Your Story Starts
Vanilla Grass is proud to feature a guest post from the amazing children’s book publisher and editor, Kiri Jorgensen, from Chicken Scratch Books on Story…

Tips to Improve Your Writing (#3 – Using Dialogue Tags)
Tip #3 to Improve your Writing: Use Dialogue Tags that Make Your Writing Flow Dialogue tags can make or break a writer. Done well, they…

Writer’s Block: How to Power Your Way to 50K (+33 Activities to Pump Up Creativity)
Have you ever suffered at the cold, merciless hands of Writer’s Block? If you’ve ever felt that icy chill squeezing your brain, then I’m sure…

Tip #2 to Improve Your Writing (When to Use Adverbs)
Improve your Writing: Learn When to Use Adverbs Adverbs modify verbs and usually end in “ly.” For example, if you intently read Tip #2 to…

Guest-Post Submissions
We’re glad to see your interest in guest posting for Vanilla Grass Writing Resources! We love promoting fellow authors, highlighting amazing writing techniques, and bringing…

5 Tips to Successfully Write with People Around
How to Successfully Write with People Around If you’re like us, you’ve sometimes felt like the picture above. You desperately want to get your book(s)…

What is NaNoWriMo? 3 Quick Tips to Write it, Win It, and Rock It!
Welcome writer! There are probably two reasons you’re here. Because you know what NaNoWriMo is and are ready to kick some word count butt! Or,…

Quick Tips to Improve Your Writing (#1 – Punctuation Abuse)
Are you ready to read the first tip in our Tips to Improve Your Writing Series? I hope so. But first, you should understand something….

First-Page Critique #109
First page critique

Villains: The #1 Way to Write a Dastardly Villain Your Readers Will Love to Hate
Ever read books with villains who left you deliciously unsettled by the end? Or have you ever watched a show and sat on your couch…